BRP International Design Competition – Urban Winter Vehicle


Bombardier Recreational Products (BRP), held an international design competition for students. The challenge was to design an electric winter vehicle for the gen Z and gen Y age groups, living in urban areas. 

Humber College was one of the six schools selected to be a part of the competition, and I was fortunate to be one of the eight people out of my program that was chosen to participate. 


Electric bicycles are, quite simply, bicycles that are powered by electricity. 

Even though they are motorized, in Canada they are still considered bicycles by law. Which means that they do not require a license to operate. Which opens the door to allow everybody, even people who cannot obtain a drivers license, to use an e-bike.

Upon further research I noticed that E-bikes are not often designed to handle winter. Which means that people who do not have drivers licenses, are bound to taking public transport or walking, which can be dangerous and inconvenient in the freezing cold weather.   

The Aero E-bike was designed for students and workers who are in the gen z and gen y age groups, living in dense urban areas. It is meant to be a reliable, affordable and stylish winter commuting vehicle, that is operable by anybody, and can be used in city bike lanes.